In 2018 we worked with CISP on the redevelopment of the refugee and IDP site in Assaga, Niger.
Lotissement Assaga
Rethinking the urban layout of a settlement for refugees and internal displaced people in Niger.
Rethinking the urban layout of a settlement for refugees and internal displaced people in Niger.
Lotissement Assaga
In 2018 we worked with CISP on the redevelopment of the refugee and IDP site in Assaga, Niger.
The challenge
How to make a settlement more habitable and responsive to peoples needs?
The solution
Grouping plots with different functions, proposing new arrangements of the plot's space and studying combinations that keep the households intact.
Up next
A housing complex for 30 orphans in Haiti
Ti Kay Là
Toolkit prototype for the methodical design of a humanitarian settlement
Parametric settlement
A community space for transitional camps in Europe
Maidan Tent